Thank you guys so much for the love on the new movie! I like So a Mouse Walks Into a Bar but this current film has felt like a real raw reflection of who I am and I really made it thinking back to the raw unfiltered creativity that inspired me so much on sites like this growing up, so thank you guys so much for giving it the love and time that you have.
But let's cut deep here. A few of you guys want more from these characters, which is insane to me cuz I thought nobody would care about them as much as me...except MAYBE the people working on the film. But I promise some goods are on the way, I love these two and whenever I'm not on the clock working, I'm constantly concocting the future of these two goobers.
The first order of business though is getting some of their music out there. There are plans to release an EP of Dust Pixies songs! Some new ones, some from the movie, all of them go off though. I think when The Dust Pixies feel good about the songs, they'll release them to the public and probably go for streaming services with 'em too. But they'll probably pump some exclusive tracks out on the audio portal here as well!
Keep your eyes peeled, keep your ears peeled, peel back the layers of society and chew on some good food, get ready for the madness, y'all and thanks for everything.